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Blake's Ka Mahi Scholarship
Inspirational My Course

With the help of a Ka Mahi Scholarship, Otago Unversity student Blake Porteous was able to attend a 21-day Outward Bound Classic course. We caught up with Blake to see what he got out of his OB course and why he'd recommend others to apply for a scholarship.

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Anakiwa: A Place For All
News from Anakiwa

At Outward Bound, understanding and respecting the diversity of people and culture is a key objective for all our courses. We asked six students from a range of backgrounds to share their stories with you.

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Lexi's Ka Mahi Scholarship Journey
Inspirational Life after OB

Lexi Kerr applied for a Ka Mahi scholarship to help her get to OB. We caught up with Lexi to see how OB has made an impact on her life and what advice she'd give others wanting to apply for a scholarship.

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How an Outward Bound Experience Inspired a Lawyer to Partnership
Life after OB Professional

Sarah Scott, a partner at the Simpson Grierson law firm in Christchurch, completed an Outward Bound Professional course in 2014. As she explains, her experience in Anakiwa has filtered into and influenced many aspects of her professional life.

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Meet Natasha Dominey
Inspirational Life after OB

We caught up with YMCA tutor Natasha Dominey who took part on our Connect course designed specifically to build the skills and confidence of individuals working with NZ youth. Natasha describes her OB experience as life-changing on many levels.

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Life After OB - Keeping the Momentum
Inspirational Life after OB

Before Outward Bound I wanted to change. I lacked direction and was in a stressful place. During Outward Bound, I flourished and discovered the ways I wanted to grow. Here's my personal account of OB and my life afterwards.